Information for new MSc DSBE students as of August 2024

Acronym guide

We will use many acronyms in our communication. We can imagine your are not common (yet) with them, so here is a little guide to help you get started!

  • JADS = Jheronimus Academy of Data Science
  • (MSc) DSBE = (master’s program) Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship
  • PM = pre-master’s program
  • TilburgU / TiU = Tilburg University
  • TiSEM = Tilburg School of Economics and Management
  • TU/e = Eindhoven University of Technology
  • IE&IS = Industrial Engineering & Innovation Services

Contact persons

We can imagine you have many questions. If you have not found the answer in our existing communications (e.g. on this website), please feel free to contact us.

Contact the Admissions Officer (Ismay Repko) via, in case your question concerns:

  • Admission procedure

Contact the Student Desk of Tilburg University if your question concerns:

  • Enrollment

Contact Valérie Goorts (Student Affairs Officer) and/or Nigel Claus (Program Coordinator/Study Advisor) via, in case your question concerns:

  • Study program
  • Study advice

Contact, in case your question concerns:

  • General questions (or in case you do not know who to contact)

It is helpful to include your student number in the contact.

Complete your enrollment

In case you are conditionally admitted, please check the conditions in your admission letter to see what you still have to do in order to obtain unconditional admission. Please provide the necessary documents by post as soon as possible. Also check if you have met the criteria linked to the payment procedure of the tuition fee.

Mode of education 2024-2025

By default, education will take place on campus.

Enrollment to master's program

DSBE is a joint degree and all students will have a main enrollment via Tilburg University and an extra enrollment (in Dutch: neveninschrijving) at Eindhoven University of Technology. Once your main enrollment is completed you will automatically get the extra enrollment.

Mainly, you will need your TiU account, as for DSBE we use all educational-related systems of TiU (e.g. the digital learning platform (Canvas), registration to courses/examination via TilburgU’s Osiris). Therefore, by default we will contact you on your email address.

You might notice two different domains are used ( and but do not worry: it is the same!

You will need your TU/e account for the network at the Mariënburg Campus in Den Bosch (e.g. Wi-Fi, printing facilities). Some courses might make use of systems/platforms hosted by TU/e.

Which systems / platforms will be used?

In the DSBE program, we use all educational-related systems of TilburgU.

You need to register for courses, work groups, and written examinations via OSIRIS Student TilburgU. All registrations for education are automatically forwarded from OSIRIS to Canvas (i.e. once enrolled, you will be automatically added to the Canvas page of the course). Note that our program belongs to the faculty Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM).

More information can be found on this website. The registration to the courses of DSBE opens mid-Augustus , 2024 (as of 16:00h).

Once registered, you can check your grade for a specific course in OSIRIS Student TilburgU.
Canvas is the digital learning environment with courses. A Canvas course may consist of announcements, documents, exercises, assessments etc. It provides you, through Single Sign-On, with as many important study applications and information resources as possible. More information can be found on this website.
For the DSBE program there is a general information page, called “MSc DSBE – program page (students)“. On this page, students can find important information about the program. Also, announcements are posted by the Program Director / Education Support Team with relevant information for students.

Once you have a TilburgU account, you will be added to this page. The Education Support Team will regularly check if there are new students to add.

Examination program 2024

The MSc DSBE entails a two-year full-time program requiring students to attain 120 credit points (ECTS). The master starts either at the end of August/ beginning of September, or at the end of January/beginning of February. The curriculum is divided into four semesters of 30 credits each.

The study load of the individual courses is 6 EC, except for the Master thesis, which has a study load of 30 EC.

  • 10 compulsory courses (60 EC)
  • 5 elective courses (30 EC)
  • Master thesis (30 EC)

For more information and links to the course description of all courses, go to this page.

<< click on the image above to enlarge >>


Homologation program

Admitted for the homologation program? Your semester A, B and C will look a bit different. Go to this webpage and find more information by scrolling down to the topic ‘Homologation program’.


Academic calendar 2024-2025

<< click on the image above to enlarge >>

Nota bene:

  • The fall semester 2024-2025 starts in the week of Monday August 26, 2024
  • The Introduction Days will take place on Thursday August 22 and Friday August 23, 2024

Generic schedule (time slots) spring semester

The image below presents the generic schedule of fall semester.  It shows the time slots that are reserved for the different courses. It might be possible that in some weeks a course is not taught / does not use the full time slot. Course coordinators will inform students about the details on their course page in Canvas.

If this generic schedule is deviating from the schedule published by the course coordinator, the latter is always leading.

Nota bene

  • First year mandatory courses for MSc are visualized in blue
  • Elective courses for MSc are visualized in yellow
  • In case you admitted to the MSc program via the homologation program, the course Data Engineering (JM0140) is moved to year 2, and you take Natural Language Processing (JM2050) during your first semeste

The generic schedule is also published on

  • For the master’s program: Select “+ Add Timetable” and add “3N300_M Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship_Jaar 1” for academic year 2024-2025.


Statistics Bootcamp (JM0020) Friday, Augustus 30, 2024
Social Network Analysis for DS (JM2080) Thursday, December 12, 2024
Natural Language Processing (JM2050) Friday, December 13, 2024
Data Engineering (JM0140) Tuesday, December 17, 2024



Statistics Bootcamp (JM0020) Friday, October 4 , 2024
Social Network Analysis for DS (JM2080) Thursday, January 23, 2025
Natural Language Processing (JM2050) Friday, January 24, 2025
Data Engineering (JM0140) Tuesday, January 28, 2025



Fixed teams in semester 1


As all courses in semester A contain group work, the first semester is perceived as being very challenging. During this semester, you work on the group assignments in fixed teams for the entire semester in order to take away organizational struggles and create time for content! These teams are composed of (in principal) 5 students.

It is expected that teams are composed of students with various educational backgrounds resulting in a well-rounded group where group members can gain from each other’s strengths. In case we notice that certain teams are composed of students with the same backgrounds, the Education Support Team might randomize some of the teams.

Peer evaluation sessions

To foster teamwork and evaluate team working skills every team will have two mandatory guided peer review sessions. The first, intermediate peer review session is planned in September-October. The second, and last peer review session is planned at the end of November-beginning of December.


  • You can register for a team via this Google Sheet 
  • Please register a.s.a.p., before Thursday August 29, 2024
  • Nota bene:
    • Put your details in the orange section in case you are admitted to the master’s program via the homologation program (i.e. not doing Data Engineering in semester 1 – but instead you take Natural Language Processing)
    • Put your details in the yellow section in case you want us to put you in a team
    • Put your details in the green section in case you are planning to take less than five courses of semester A
  • Abbreviation guide:
    • DE = Data Engineering
    • DM = Data Mining
    • SNA4DS = Social Network Analysis for Data Scientists
    • SBM = Strategy and Business Models
    • DIiA = Data Intrapreneurship in Action
    • NLP = Natural Language Processing

Statistics Bootcamp

In education week 1 of 2024-2025 (starting August 26, 2024) a Statistics Bootcamp is organized that is mandatory for MSc students in year 1. The Statistics Bootcamp will be assessed by a written examination.


Statistics forms a foundation of our data science master and a basic level of statistical knowledge is a fundamental prerequisite to successfully participating in the Master’s. To refresh and improve your statistical skills we organize a Statistics Bootcamp (i.e. a short intensive training program). The Statistics Bootcamp trains and extends the statistical knowledge of each master’s student in a systematic manner while also making sure that students are aware of the relevance and implications of statistics in data science.

In one week, we bundle the efforts of three mandatory courses in the master’s program Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship. These three courses are 1) Social Network Analysis for Data Scientists, 2) Data Intrapreneurship in Action, and 3) Strategy and Business Models.

To avoid the repetition of the same statistics content in three courses, we group those three courses into one overarching Statistics Bootcamp. In short, the Statistics Bootcamp provides the opportunity to advance your statistical knowledge and creates a more homogeneous level across all students, allowing the lecturers to immediately move on to advanced data science content in the remainder of the semester.

Learning outcomes

  • Transferable statistical skills to be applied across the master’s program, and more precisely in the following topics:
    • Module 1: Ordinary Least Squares / Hypothesis testing / p-values
    • Module 2: Descriptive statistics / Data manipulation / Data checks
    • Module 3: Generalized Linear Models / Loglinear models
    • Module 4: Introduction to Prediction and Causal Inference
  • Programming in the R language is required


In the run of 2023-2024, the schedule looked like this (for Monday until and including Thursday):

  • 09:30 – 11:00: lecture in the chapel
  • 11:00 – 15:00: work on your assignment for the day
  • 15:30 – 17:00: lab in the chapel

It is assumed that the run of 2024-2025 will look more or less the same.

Fun breaks with games and snacks

During the week (usually after the lecture), we will try to arrange some snacks and organize activities/games in order for you to regain some energy to survive this intensive bootcamp!


All the materials in the Bootcamp constitute mandatory content essential for the three courses that are jointly designing this project. All Bootcamp material will be examined in these courses (projects/reports/exams/etc.). Each course will specify which content you need to study for the examination.

 A pass for this course is required.

The first examination opportunity is on Friday August 30, 2024 (09:30-11:00). The second examination opportunity is scheduled on Friday October 4, 2024 (09:00-10:30). The examination will be assessed in TestVision.


Coaching and Skills

Professional Coaching

As a part of your professional development, every MSc DSBE student is offered an optional coaching trajectory, which consists of in total four sessions. You start this trajectory in the first semester of year 1, after signing up via the Canvas page of Skills Journey. Every semester you have the chance to speak with your coach. In the coaching sessions you can evaluate your development and personal learning goals. You will get concrete tips and advice, adjusted to your personal ambitions. To prepare the first session you will receive a link to an online Development Assessment Tool. This will provide insights in your personality and competences and gives input on defining your (future) goals and ambitions. A bonus is that you already collect input for your Final Development Reflection Report, which is a mandatory assignment to be able to graduate (see the Professional Skills paragraph). So if you want to work on your professional development, make use of a professional coach!

Professional Skills

As a data scientist and entrepeneur it is important to know how to bring your message across to others. Skills that are important in the DSBE program are: presenting, interviewing, debating, selling, consulting & advising, creative thinking, negotiating and storytelling. To be able to graduate you need to pass at least 6 out of these 8 professional skills and make a Final Development Reflection Report. The skill assessments are embedded in the courses of the DSBE program. An exception is the skill interviewing, which can be assessed via the Skills Journey course. To pass the skill assessments you will receive instructions from the course teacher, via Canvas (Skills Journey). To practice and prepare yourself, you can sign up for optional skill workshops. In these dynamic workshops there is a lot of interaction and you will be able to practice and improve on your skill. You will be better prepared for the skill assessments and your future!

Study association D.S.A. Pattern

D.S.A. Pattern, or in short Pattern, is the study association for all Data Science students at Eindhoven University of Technology, Tilburg University, and Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS).

Feel free to take a look at their website or contact them via


Cohort group on Whatsapp

Do you want to get in touch with your fellow students. Make use of the Whatsapp group, via:


Introduction Day

SAVE THE DATE: August 22 and 23, 2024!

The added value of the introduction days written by Thimo, a current student who started the master’s program as of September 2023:

“The general purpose of the introduction days is to meet your fellow study members and get acquainted with the workings of the university and everything around it. While this is definitely the same for the introduction days at JADS, there is an additional benefit.

Specific for students starting the MSc as of fall semester: during the whole first semester A, you will work together in the same group which you can ensemble yourself. Due to the different types of courses, you want a diverse team that works together well and can help each other where needed. What better way to construct such a team than during the introduction days? You meet everyone in a social setting with fun activities that have plenty of room for easy-to-initiate conversations.

I’m really glad I chose to do this, as it allowed me to meet the people I level with really well, which resulted in fun working sessions and good collaboration during my first semester. Hopefully, it can do the same for you!”



Hi, future JADS student!

Every semester, D.S.A. Pattern organizes an introduction for the new generation of DSBE (pre-)master students! This semester it will take place on August 22 and 23, 2024 in Den Bosch!

During this day you will get a lot of practical information and participate in fun activities with the other new students. In this way, you can get to know your fellow students before starting your (pre-)master at JADS!

The JADS Intro will cost € 22,50, and this includes some food and drinks to enjoy throughout the day. More information about the program will be provided to you when the intro days are coming close! Get your ticket soon. To register, go to the this website (N.B: registration deadline = August 12, 2024)

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Best regards,

Jochem van den Boogaard (Chair ‘s-Hertogenbosch Department, Study association D.S.A. Pattern 2023-2024)


Zita Godrie (Chair ‘s-Hertogenbosch Department, Study association D.S.A. Pattern 2024-2025)


Campus cards

As a student of the DSBE program, you will have two enrollments: at Tilburg University (TilburgU) and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). You can request a student card for both universities:

  • For TilburgU, the information can be found on this page
  • For TU/e, the information can be found on this page

On this card, your student number is printed that you need to write down when taking an written examination. Moreover, you can use it for

  • Access to library TilburgU
  • Sport Centre
  • Access to the Mariënburg Campus
  • For printing facilities at the Mariënburg Campus
  • Access to TU/e library
  • TU/e Sports Centre

N.B. you will have to pick up the campus card yourself at the university campus in Tilburg and/or Eindhoven. In some cases, they can send the card to your home address. Contact the universities to check what is possible.

Information for international students

In case you need a visa, you should have already started the immigration procedure. You must have received an email from the Immigration Office about the procedure. If you have not received this email, please contact the Immigration Office of the University you applied at.

(please note: if you have not started the immigration procedure yet, it cannot be guaranteed that you will get your visa in time, which means you will miss the first week(s) of class/introduction day).

We are aware that you might be looking for accommodation in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (or maybe in Tilburg and Eindhoven, since it is only 15/20 minutes by train). Please find some suggestions below:

Special page ‘Student Housing Den Bosch’

Please visit this page for useful information regarding student housing in Den Bosch.

Accommodation at the Mariënburg Campus

Accommodations from regional housing corporations

Are you a Dutch or international student? Do you study at an educational institution in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and are you looking for a rental student room in the region Brabant? At you can find the current supply of rental student rooms of the affiliated regional housing corporations.

Accommodation in Tilburg

To find accommodation in Tilburg city, please contact the Housing Office at Tilburg University.

Accommodation in Eindhoven

Please contact the International Office at Eindhoven University of Technology for student Housing in Eindhoven city.

Medical costs can be high in the Netherlands, especially if you require specialized care at a hospital. Dutch law also requires you to have adequate health and third-party liability insurance. We also strongly recommend you to check if your personal insurance has coverage in the Netherlands or take out an additional travel insurance. For more information, please check the following website.
You will find that credit cards are not as widely accepted in the Netherlands as in other countries (e.g., at supermarkets), and the cost of transferring money can be quite high. If you have a bank account in a country that is NOT a member of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), you are advised to open a Dutch bank account. To make it easier for you to open a Dutch bank account, Tilburg University has made arrangements with the ABN Amro Bank. For more information, go to the following website.

Although it is easy to survive in the Netherlands without speaking Dutch, it is difficult to get a part-time job without some knowledge of the Dutch language. There may also be restrictions about how many hours you are allowed to work, depending on your nationality. Please take this into account when planning your finances.
Useful websites for finding information about part-time jobs include:


Tired of reading and in the mood for listening? Did you know JADS has its own podcast?

In the fourth episode, we talk with two international master students at JADS. Why did they choose to study abroad and come to the Netherlands? And why JADS? Does the Master’s Program Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship offer them what they are looking for? All of this and much more on looking for accommodation, side jobs and public transport in this 32 minute episode.

Go to this website to listen!

Group 5
Group 6
Group 7