The important role of Data Science in our current time

Using NLP in streamlining document coding for DAS

DAS had a clear ambition to bring their historical dataset of 400,000+ legal documents up to date with a newly instituted coding scheme.
Aquacare levert oplossingen voor industriële waterbehandeling, bestaand uit hardware en chemie. Met deze oplossingen voorkom je corrosie van de installatie, aangroei van kalk en minimaliseer je microbiologische activiteit.

Insight into customer and sales data

Aquacare wanted to make optimal use of the data stored in a central operational system.

Understanding customer journey & advertising channels

Monkey Moves' goal was to gain more insight into the customer journey of their customers, conversion rates and thus the costs and benefits of the advertising channels used.

Improving Datacation's business model from a service-oriented perspective

Our Data-driven Service Innovation (DDSI) course challenged a class of motivated JADS students to assess and improve the current service offerings and business model of our industry partner, Datacation, using the knowledge they learned in class.

Optimized calendar and caseload

Psychologenpraktijk Timmers had the issue of large fluctuations in the workload, or caseload, of the psychologists. As a result, the capacity of the staff - the number of available hours - was not being utilized optimally.

Optimized inventory management

2Connect approached us with the ambition to better align their purchasing management with actual sales. As a supplier of cables, 2Connects has to deal with multiple components that must be purchased for a single product. A late delivery of one component can mean that an entire product is delayed.

Setting up your data collection properly

Coach Hero wanted to set up their data collection so that they could easily understand the effectiveness of their coaching services. On an individual level: how much effect is the coach's work having on the client's problem? But also at an aggregated level: how well do all coaches together remedy clients' problems?

Finding groups in your data

Splitser has a huge amount of user data and wanted to extract more insights from it. For example, they wanted to map what user types use their platform and what their needs are. The ultimate goal is to make the application more user-friendly and find opportunities for new revenue models.

Automating Breast cancer treatment planning

For her Master thesis Renée van Erp researched how the process of creating dose treatment plans for locally advanced left-sided breast cancer patients could be automated to be more efficient and less time consuming.

AI for Greener Cities Challenge

What could you do for sustainable cities if you drove a fleet of trucks with cameras through the city? That's how DPD Netherlands, Fruitpunch AI and JADS got to work on this open call for students.

Improving logistics at PostNL

One of PostNL's most important services is to transport parcels ordered at webshops (PostNL customers) to consumers. This service is provided at an enormous speed and accuracy and at incredibly high volumes. As a consequence, highly efficient business processes are required to maintain this service in a cost effective way. This is a Level 2 graduation case from the JADS Professional Education program.

Combating Subversive crime in the port of Rotterdam

Commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and Security, JADS researchers conducted research into the central question: can technology play a role in reducing the vulnerability of ports to undermining activities? And if so, how?
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7