EngD Application procedure

How do you apply for EngD

Candidates can enter the program only after having successfully passed the full admission procedure. The procedure consists of three steps and involves a thorough assessment by means of a Data Challenge Week and an application interview

Step 1

The first step is to provide the necessary information for the program management to assess your eligibility for the program. Therefore, we kindly request you to submit all details in this form:

Step 1: submitting your details to our secretary team

Step 2

Based on the documents submitted, the program selection committee invites the candidate to take part in an assessment in the form of a Data Challenge Week. These Data Challenge Weeks are organized twice a year, around September/October and March/April.

During the Data Challenge Week, candidates work together with current trainees and other applicants to solve a challenge provided by one of the industrial partners of the program. This week is both an assessment for the applicants and an intense way of learning for the students of the program. Data Challenge Weeks can be regarded as a high pressure project in which both the process (how?) and the result (what?) count. The Data Challenge week is concluded with a final presentation given by the applicants.

Candidates are assessed on their technical background, as well as on the following distinctive attitudes and skills: creativity, self-awareness, critical thinking, teamwork, and communication.

Candidates will also be asked to:

  • Write a document on personal understanding of the data set to be challenged and a personal introduction.
  • Take part in all team activities such as group meetings and technical discussions.
  • Do part of the final presentation at the end of the Data Challenge Week. They present results and conclusions of their group to the representatives of the company or business that set the data challenge.
  • Candidates fill out a personality questionnaire. They fill out the MPT-BS: Multi-Cultural Personality test – Big Six.

Step 3

The final step of the admission procedure is the job-interview. These take place on the last Thursday and Friday of the Data Challenge Week. The interview is arranged immediately after the assessment. The scientific director, program manager and professional development coach form the interview committee. The focus is on the candidate’s technical background, motivation and the assessment results. The application committee informs the applicant on Monday after the Data Challenge Week whether or not he/she is allowed to enter the program. Candidates will be employed by Eindhoven University of Technology as Technological Designer in Training.

" you will find your hidden talents and improve yourself"

“It is intensely challenging, but you will find your hidden talents and improve yourself. You get the benefits of being a student, learn, get work experience and get paid. It is a really valuable program for the rest of your... Read more
Background Pattern
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7