Data Challenge Week: selection procedure and training method 'hackathon' style

Founding universities

The post-master EngD Program Data Science has its own, unique way of assessing applicants and educating trainees.

The program has implemented Data Challenge Weeks, in which applicants and trainees cooperate in teams challenged by Big Data Sets provided by one of the industrial partners of the program. By observing and coaching, this week is an assessment for the applicants and an intense way of learning for the trainees of the program. Data Challenge Weeks can be regarded as a high pressure project in which both the process (how?) and the result (what?) count. Data Challenge Weeks are organized twice a year in the months September/October and March/April.

One week working on challenges in the weekend to create one presentation:

In this week, six teams of max. 8 people ( trainees and applicants) work together on a real life challenge, based on data sets from a host company; each team consists of a team leader and team members: a mix of trainees and applicants. An important aspect in the Data Challenge Week is the involvement of the trainees of the program in the preparation phase. The team leaders of the teams have the task to identify and specify themes from the provided data set together with the company supervisor, one theme per team. Each team focuses on the theme as distinguished by the team leader.

The goal of doing this is threefold:
First: the team leaders get familiar with the full data set before the start of the Data Challenge Week.
Second: they identify the themes, so that team work can be organized more efficiently.
Third: identification of themes and communication with the stakeholder is a challenging task that is relevant in their future projects and jobs.
The other trainees are prepared for their tasks as a member of the team as part of their professional development skill training.


Data Challenge Weeks are organized twice a year:

1.In the month March/April for the intake in September;

2.In the month September/October for the intake in January.

Application to the EngD program, and such the Data Challenge Week, starts six months prior to that week. Following this timeline:

EngD application deadline for applicants

You can enter the program only after successfully passing the full admission procedure, which consists of three steps. This process includes providing all required personal information, a thorough assessment through a Data Challenge Week and an application interview.

More about the application procedure

Strong social character

We work hard, we play hard. The Data Challenge Week is also a social event. During the week, teams live in bungalows, where they have to work, eat, sleep, and socialize. The bungalows are located in a holiday park within the evening enough possibilities for leisure and pleasure. The week starts with about maximum 48 participants, 50% trainees, 50% selected applicants The goal is to lay the foundation for the cohort based education of the program, a social structure in the bungalow park and a working atmosphere, six teams accepting each other’s roles.


The week starts on Fridays and ends the Friday thereafter. The week starts at JADS on Friday 09.00 AM and ends the Friday thereafter at 05.00 PM.

On the first Friday, in Mariënburg, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the team leaders introduce the themes that they distinguished from the provided data set. After this introduction, the teams are announced formed and the team start with team canvas, to get to know each other better. At the end of the day the participants leave for the bungalow park by bus. From Friday afternoon till Wednesday morning the teams work in the bungalow park. They are visited, observed, and supported by the program manager and coach of JADS during these days.

At the end of the week

At the final presentations, the applicants are giving the opportunity to present the results of their team. This takes place at Landgoed De Biestheuvel where the supervisors of the industrial host, program management and other staff from JADS are present. Wednesday evening, there is a closing diner for all who contributed to the Data Challenge Week success.
Thursday and Friday are reserved for application interviews. They take place Thursday at the bungalow park and Friday at Mariënburg.

The Monday after the Data Challenge Week you as an applicant will know whether you are selected for the program or not. For non-EU applicants it takes about three months to get a VISA, resident and work permits.

Check the events calendar for the next DCW!


Recap; The JADS EngD Data Challenge Week

The JADS EngD program is industry-oriented and an alternative to the PhD trajectory. The Data Challenge Week is one way we reach out to industrial partners to tackle their real-life challenges.

Our EngD program trains participants in managing data science projects, teamwork, leadership, and delivering business value, with Data Challenge Weeks as part of the admission process. We select trainees based on a variety of criteria, focusing on personal attributes, teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and a passion for learning and growth.

Everything was in person on site, so I had to come to the Netherlands

The Data Challenge Week is my earliest memory of the selection process and it was very interesting because everything was in person on site, so I had to come to the Netherlands and I had to spend one week with the other people, other... Read more
Daniela Miranda Azure Data Engineer, Rabobank
Background Pattern

Frequently Asked Questions about the Data Challenge Week

You cannot prepare for the Data Challenge Week. Projects depend on the host company. The selection of a trainees is based on various criteria, not only your technical skills. We are very interested in who you are as a person, not only what you can.
All expenses during the Data Challenge Week (housing, food, social activities, transportation are covered by the program. (Part of) the travel costs are reimbursed, with a maximum, depending on the country. The VISA application is at your own expense. A overnight stay before or after the Data Challenge Week is at your own expense.
No, we do not. The selection process is done thoroughly and based on all information provided, such as CV, grades, work experience and motivation. Up until now, this information has proven to be sufficient to select the most suitable candidates.
If you are not selected, you can re-apply for a next Data Challenge Week with an updated CV and motivation letter.
Yes, you can apply. Keep in mind that you must successfully conclude your master’s before the start of your traineeship.

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