Student housing Den Bosch

Duration 6 months
Language English
Starting moment February
Tuition fee €1157,-

In preparation of the Master's program Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship (jd)

Our pre-master’s program is a half-year preparatory course intended for graduates of a University of Applied Sciences (hbo in Dutch) and those students who have sufficient knowledge of statistics and mathematics, but who are not immediately eligible for the master’s program itself.


The program (30 ECTS)

The total length of the program is one semester and includes the following courses:

  • Programming
  • Data-structures and Algorithms
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Foundations of Databases
  • Statistics for Data Scientists

You can check out all the course descriptions via the Osiris Course Catalogue of Tilburg University here.


study program

Starting moment & application deadlines

The courses of the pre-master’s program Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship, offered in the spring semester of 2023-2024 (starting at the end of January 2024).

To enroll in the Premaster’s program, the application deadlines are as follows:

  • Non-EU students until October 1, 2023;
  • EU students until December 1, 2023
  • Dutch students until January 1, 2024;
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How to apply

The master’s and pre-master’s are a joint effort of Eindhoven University of Technology and Tilburg
University. Applications must be sent to Tilburg University. After unconditional admission to the
Master or pre-Master, you will be enrolled in both universities and you will have access to
the facilities of all three campuses in ’s-Hertogenbosch, Eindhoven and Tilburg. For the application deadlines please check our website, get in touch with our admissions officer or send an email to

Students with a diploma from a Dutch educational institution applying for the pre-Master:

Apply here

Students with a diploma from a non-Dutch educational institution applying for the pre-Master:

Apply here

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data science partnership

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+31 (0) 40 2474275

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