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Industry Summit on Data Product Oriented Architectures

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Date 5 - 6 Sep 2024
Location JADS
Speaker Check the speaker list and abstract online

Register to the POA Summit 2024

The failings of traditional centralized data management architectures to facilitate scalable data exchange within organizations have recently led to significant interest in decentralized approaches such as data meshes, data fabrics, and enterprise data markets. Although these approaches vary slightly in their design and emphasis, they all revolve around decentralising ownership and responsibility of data through creating and managing data products. We call these new approaches data Product-Oriented Architectures (POA).

On September 5th  and 6th, 2024, JADS will host the first-ever Industry Summit on Data Product Oriented Architectures (POA). The summit aims to bring together scientists researching the state-of-the-art in POA with industry practitioners in order to:

  • Facilitate knowledge sharing between practitioners from non-competing organizations that face similar challenges when implementing a decentralized data (POA) architecture;
  • Make academic knowledge more readily available to industry practitioners;
  • Challenge academia to address the real-world problems organizations are facing with their POA transitions;
  • Foster collaboration between industry and academia.
Register to the POA Summit 2024


Day 1 – Program Thursday 05-09

12.00 Walk-in
12.45 Welcome by chairman of the day, Professor Doctor Emile Aarts
13.00 Keynote 1 – Piethein Strengholt, Head of Data Microsoft NL
14.00 Data Contracts in Practice – Abel Goedegebuure & Maurice Veltman, ASML
15.00 Journeys into Data Product-Oriented Architecture – KPN, DPG Media & ABN AMRO
17.00 Dinner & Drinks

Program details and abstracts

Day 2 – Program Friday 06-09

09.00 Keynote 2 – Prof. Dr. Bernhard Mitschang, Head of the institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems at Universität Stuttgart
10.00 Workshop slot – Various speakers
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Workshop slot – Various speakers
14.00 Data contracts: building & designing the future of data engineering – Jean-Georges Perrin
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Data Domain Panel Discussion – KPN, DPG Media, ABN AMRO
16.30 Wrapup + Manifesto

Program details and abstracts


JADS is a unique cooperation between the Province of North Brabant, the Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). At JADS, researchers and students work closely with the business community. In addition to education and research, JADS also offers space for innovative, data-driven entrepreneurship and public-private partnerships.

We are located at the Mariënburg Campus in the city centre of the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Mariënburg is a former monastery. Construction of the chapel was already underway in 1488. The foundation for the monastery was laid in 1897, after which construction was completed in 1899 and the structure was put into use. The architect was J.H. van Groenendael. Discover the campus upfront in the campus tour video below!

Campus tour video

Group 5
Group 6
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