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20 reasons to choose the Master’s program Data Science in Business & Entrepreneurship

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JADS is a unique cooperation between the Province of North Brabant, the Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg University (TiU) and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). One of the programs JADS offers is the Master Data Science in Business & Entrepreneurship, but why should you choose this master? Discover it through the eyes of our students and let them tell you why, based on their own experiences!

Practical education

What makes the master Data Science in Business & Entrepreneurship at JADS unique is its emphasis on practical education. Students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-world projects, which prepares them for a successful career. Here are some of their experiences:

  1. “JADS really offers a beginning to end experience: Talking to a company, making sure you understand their business problem, applying data science solutions to those business problems and then being able to explain those solutions to the company as well. We are solving real problems here and not just fake or made up problems.” – Aisja
  2. “It felt like working already and I feel like I got a lot of working experiences from doing this master. It also taught me a lot of confidence in my working abilities.” – Bram
  3. “For every course, you will be doing a project, so you’re not only learning theory but you actually get to apply the theory that you learned.” – Jane
  4. “The master’s program has transformed me into a more hands-on data scientist. I’ve learned not only what data can offer but also how to extract value from it.”- Pedro

Combining the technological expertise of Eindhoven University of Technology with the business, legal, and societal insights of Tilburg University, the Master Data Science in Business & Entrepreneurship at JADS provides a comprehensive education that prepares students for the multifaceted challenges of the data-driven world. Discover what our students have to say about this:

  1. “JADS offers technical and business oriented classes. You can choose what side to focus on, but you can also mix the classes.” – Bora
  2. “I think the most unique thing about JADS is the fact that knowledge from two different universities is combined, so not only knowledge of the technical side but also the more human side of things.” – Livia
  3. “The Master’s program at JADS offers the best of both worlds.” – Pedro

Unique campus

JADS’ campus is housed in the historic Mariënburg in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, a unique setting that combines the rich history of a 19th-century monastery with modern, state-of-the-art facilities. For students, this is a pleasant and inspiring place to be and to study:

  1. “I really like the facilities of the JADS building. There are a lot of rooms where we can work on your group projects, but also a lot of quiet areas where you can study alone.” – Jane
  2. “I like the beautiful garden that is in the middle of the city center. It is a really nice place to relax during the summertime.” – Bram
  3. “I feel like JADS is kind of Hogwarts. It’s looks really mysterious and feels really cozy.” – Jane
  4. “The atmosphere on campus is very welcoming.” – Tara

Community feeling

Students also feel a sense of community when studying at JADS, both with each other and with teachers:

  1. “The campus of JADS feels sort of like home because everywhere you go you see your classmates or people you know. It is a very close and cozy environment.” – Jane
  2. “The community is welcoming, and you can easily connect with teachers who are open and supportive. – Pedro
  3. “Students and teachers are really accessible, so we can work together and come up with great results.” – Bora
  4. “The smaller community and the opportunity to collaborate closely with companies set this master apart.” – Tara

When should you choose this master @ JADS

Choosing the right Master’s program is an important decision that shapes your future career. Let’s hear from current DSBE students the last 5 reasons why and when you should choose the Master’s Data Science in Business & Entrepreneurship at JADS.

Want to know more?

Visit the Master Data Science in Business & Entrepreneurship page for more information. You can also read the article about the exceptional NSE outcomes for this Master’s program.

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