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Eleven projects later: how VIA Road Safety Software and JADS MKB Datalab are jointly renewing road safety

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For many entrepreneurs, Data Science is still an unclear concept. The JADS MKB Datalab bridges the gap between Data Science & AI knowledge and its application in daily practice. The JADS MKB Datalab carries out projects with Data Science students. For this article, we spoke to Giedo Donkers, CEO of VIA Road Safety Software, about their experiences with the MKB Datalab and the start of their 11th project in particular.


How did you actually end up at the MKB Datalab?

“In 2018,”tells Giedo Donkers, CEO of VIA Traffic Solutions, “we first came across the MKB Datalab through a Volksbank event. Daan and Ruud, the founders of JADS MKB Datalab, were there giving a presentation on the possibilities of AI for entrepreneurs. Their story about the impact of Data Science and what MKB Datalab could mean for companies like ours struck a chord. We were immediately curious.”

What made you contact JADS MKB Datalab?

“Actually, it was very simple,” says Giedo, laughing. “That presentation piqued our interest and got us thinking: what can we do with Data Science and AI within our company? We wanted to find out. So we made an appointment and got together with MKB Datalab to see how we could apply Data Science in the world of road safety and mobility.”

And now, years later, you are facing your eleventh project. What makes you keep coming back to the MKB Datalab?

“It’s a combination of factors,” tells Giedo. “Firstly, you contribute to the experience of aspiring Data Science consultants, which is valuable in itself. In addition, you are always working with the latest tools and techniques that are directly applicable within our company. The MKB Datalab has a low-threshold, accessible approach which makes the collaboration feel natural. That makes it interesting for us to come back again and again.”

Giedo (seen from the back) in conversation with Rutger Geerlings; Master Program Data Science in Business & Entrepreneurship student at JADS and student consultant for the 11th project.

Are they 11 completely different projects or is each one build on the previous one?

“That varies,” Giedo explains. “Sometimes a project answers all our questions at once, but sometimes we discover new possibilities along the way. Then such a project leads to several follow-up projects. Especially when larger issues are involved, we build further in small steps. This is how we grow together with MKB Datalab towards even smarter solutions.”

What is it like to work with different students on such a project?

“Predominantly positive,” says Giedo without hesitation. “Students bring fresh eyes and strong work ethics. The guidance from MKB Datalab is professional and ensures that each project is completed well. Of course, some students are a better match with our company than others, but their professional attitude and way of working are impressive every time.”

What specifically has the collaboration with MKB Datalab brought you as an organization?

“The most important insight is that AI is not a magic potion,” Giedo explains. “You really need to understand AI and be able to apply it in your own context. That requires knowledge, experience and time. Through this collaboration, we learned a lot about how to apply Data Science and AI. It saved us time and deepened our knowledge even if not everything was put into production. We also now better understand which applications are realistic and feasible, and Data Science feels a lot more accessible within our company as a result.”

Giedo in conversation with the professionals from JADS MKB Datalab: Anique Kuijpers and Jules Kuipers.

Are there any concrete benefits or savings you have already realized?

“Absolutely,” agrees Giedo. “We save time by being able to outsource certain analyses. And we have gained more insight into the applications of Data Sience and AI thanks to this collaboration, which helps us make better decisions and work in a more focused way.”

Why do you think other SMEs should partner with MKB Datalab?

“The approachability, accessibility and creative process are real advantages,” says Giedo. “You step into a process together that not only gives you new insights, but also concrete solutions. It is also a learning process for your organisation; you learn more about Data Science and how to integrate it into your own field of work.”

And how do you see the future for VIA Road Safety Software? What ambitions do you have?

“Our ambition is clear,” replies Giedo. “We want to improve road safety, both in the Netherlands and internationally. We have a huge amount of data at our disposal, but to use it effectively, everything has to be well organised and structured. We want to apply the ‘data pyramid’ in road safety and use more and more data-driven insights. Our dream is to put Data Science at the heart of our approach.”

Want to start a data project yourself? Or first chart your data maturity status? Then contact the MKB Datalab!

Who is VIA Road Safety Software?

VIA Road Safety Software is a Dutch company committed to road safety and mobility,” explains Giedo. “We offer innovative solutions and services to optimize traffic flows and increase road safety. Through data analysis, consultancy and implementation of traffic management systems, we aim to contribute to a safer and more efficient traffic environment.”

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