Impressions of the Data Science Summer School 2019
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On July 22-25, 26 boys and girls aged 9-14 years old, led by a team of volunteers from JADS, explored the world of data science during the Data Science Summer School.
The first day was all about introductions. The program included an introduction round and presentations about the how, what and why of data science. The data scientists of the future were given a real data science lecture. They became acquainted with some of basic terms. What is an average? How do you make a graph or a bar chart? How do you process data in Excel? In the afternoon, Monja Knol from Efteling explained to us how Efteling uses data science to make the visitors experience even better.
Collecting data at the Efteling
The Efteling was the setting for day 2. From our headquarters in the Carousel palace we explored the Efteling. Not (only) to ride all the roller coasters, but to collect data. Is the Vogel Rok really more thrilling in the dark? Is the virtual Droomvlucht just as fun as the real one, or perhaps even more better? And how well can you estimate distances if you are on top of the Pagode?
Learning how to present
We spent day 3 at HC ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The tropical heat outside meant that we had to move the activities inside. So we spent most of our time behind the laptops. The data gathered in the Efteling was processed and the presentations began to take shape. After all, at the end of the Summer School we had to present our findings to the parents. A group of students from the King’s Theater Academy came in to give the participants tips and tricks on how to make the presentations even beter.
Applause and a well-earned certificate
On the last day, the finishing touches were put to the presentations. Because it was finally time for the parents to watch and listen to what we had done all week. Fortunatly, nobody notices the shaking knees and sweaty hands during the presentations! The participants received applause and a well-earned certificate.
Thank you for your participation and see you at the Data Science Summer School 2020!
Do you want to know more about the Data Science Summer School? Or participate next year? Then keep an eye on the website!