JADS and TIAS join forces for business success with AI
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In collaboration, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) and TIAS School for Business and Society have joined forces and expertise to help companies make the most of the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI). This collaboration resulted in the launch of the joint ‘Driving business value with AI’ program. Specifically designed to help professionals understand and connect these complex technologies with the effects on business strategy, operations, leadership and team composition, among others.
Primarily focused on creating business value through AI, the programme offers participants a unique combination of academic knowledge and hands-on insights. Through intensive modules and interactive workshops, participants will learn how to implement AI technologies to optimise business processes, reduce costs and create new growth opportunities.
TIAS brings its deep knowledge of strategic management and business administration, making the programme not only technologically advanced but also firmly rooted in business reality. This synergy between JADS and TIAS ensures that participants not only understand the technical aspects of AI, but also learn how to integrate these technologies into broader business strategy.
Born out of a unique collaboration between Tilburg University (TiU) and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) has been working since 2016 to create tangible impact through data science education and research. We train future data science professionals and equip them with excellent business skills.
Responsible and ethical use of AI
The programme with TIAS offers a holistic approach to AI implementation, with a strong emphasis on responsible and ethical use of AI. Participants are given tools to manage AI projects, assess the impact on the organisation and support effective decision-making.
Ready to take the lead in your organization’s AI transformation? Learn more about this program for professionals ‘Driving Business Value with AI’! And discover how to make your organization work smarter, faster and better with responsible AI use. Our professional academic tutors will guide you through the latest developments and practical applications in five sessions + a return afternoon.