JADS publishes magazine in honor of its first lustrum
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The first JADS lustrum took place from December 2021 – June 2022. With a number of lustrum activities, the JADS community celebrated what has been built up in a short time of just 5 years. The lustrum was also a good moment to look back on what has been achieved so far. And what better way to do this than to make a tangible, printed overview of 5 years JADS? This is how the JADS Lustrum Magazine was born.
Well-established and recognized player
At the time of its launch, the JADS initiative was a unique experiment, rooted in the vision that society would have a growing need for academically skilled professionals in the field of Data Science. Since its early beginning, JADS has been living up to its promise; delivering highly educated professionals and building bridges between technology and business. In the past years, JADS has become a well-established and recognized player in this growing field of innovation.
Founding parents
“This would never have been possible without the boundless energy and decisiveness of the four “founding parents”: the province of Brabant, the municipality of Den Bosch, Tilburg University and
Eindhoven University of Technology. Behind these names, of course, are individuals who found each other and took many steps to realize JADS. They are featured in this magazine,” says Jos van Hillegersberg, Academic Director of JADS in his foreword. The leading article in the magazine is an interview with Jos van Hillegersberg, Robert-Jan Smits, president of TU/e and Wim van de Donk, rector magnificus of Tilburg University. According to them, JADS faces a golden future.
What drives the people at JADS
The JADS Lustrum magazine also brings to life the JADS slogan; “We do cool stuff that matters, with data”. A slogan that nicely covers what drives the people at JADS. In the magazine, you will find examples of what JADS is proud of; collaborations, research projects and the concept of challenge based learning which is at the heart of JADS education. The magazine features many personal recollections of people that are connected to JADS; employees, governers, researchers, but most importantly our students and alumni.
We look back, but more importantly, we look ahead. Think of this magazine as a (renewed) introduction to JADS, and above all as an invitation to visit the Mariënburg. You are invited to become part of the JADS community and apply data science to the many challenges that call for smart data-driven solutions.
Check out the magazine here: