Meet Master’s student Livia: ‘The knowledge of two universities combined is what really makes this Master’s unique.’
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Meet Livia. Livia is currently a Master’s student in Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship at JADS. In this interview, she explains why she choose this Master’s program, her favorite course and an example of a case she worked on during the Master’s. In addition, she shares her most memorable moment at JADS so far and her experiences as an international student. Don’t forget to also scroll down to watch the video testimonial of Livia where she shares more experiences with JADS!
What is your background?
“I have a background in Data Science.”
Why did you choose this master?
“I choose this master because I really wanted to do something in the domain of leadership and entrepreneurship. I heard about this program and I could combine it with my knowledge about data science, so it was the perfect option for me.”
What is your favorite course?
“My favorite course is ‘Research in Action’. It was really cool because you can choose a project you like and do research about it. I personally am interested in the medical field and I think it is really cool that you can ask around. You also build a network this way and gain more experiences to put on your CV.”
What was your most memorable moment at JADS so far?
“My most memorable moment up until now at JADS was when my team and I won the first prize, two times actually, for a project in the first semester for the ‘Data Intrapreneurship’ course. We were nominalized for having the best project, we gave a speech and it was a really nice and emotional moment I can say. On top of that, I was very proud for representing JADS there as an innovative student.”
Can you give an example of a case you worked on?
“Yes, one of the nicest cases I worked on was for the ‘Research in Action’ course. It was a project in the medical field about aligning CT scans with the scope of detecting abnormalities in the body of people. I always like to work on something that can really be applied. Especially if it is in the hospital and I can help as many people as possible. That is actually my dream, so it was really cool.”
What is the most unique thing about JADS?
“I think the most unique thing about JADS is the fact that knowledge from two different universities is combined, so not only knowledge about the technical side but also the more human side of things. At the end, you also get a double degree master or a joint master which is really cool I think.”
What are your future plans?
“After the master program, I think I will look around for a PhD. I’m also following the data-driven researchers so that also is inclined towards the direction of going forward with the PhD or maybe a post doc as well. So I’m really curious what’s out there for me. Otherwise I will probably go forward with developing my entrepreneurial skills and maybe build my own startup.”
What are your experiences with being an international students?
“As an international students here at JADS, I was really welcomed by Dutch people an also by other cultures and international students. Accommodation is a bit hard to find, but at JADS there are a lot of groups where you can search for accommodation if needed and also other students that maybe leave their rooms can always let you know if there’s something available. You will always be helped somehow, so internationals coming here don’t have to worry too much about that.”
Why should someone choose this master?
“I think here at JADS we get not only the opportunity to work with a lot of researchers and lectures, but you also get the opportunity to start your own startup. Which is really cool and I haven’t seen that really anywhere. So if you’re interested in that, then this master at JADS is something for you.”