Student team Tilburg University / JADS win national SDG-Challenge University 2020
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On the 5th of June the finale of the SDG-Challenge University 2020 took place in Amsterdam. A project where 15 student teams worked on a solution for sustainability cases from 15 prestigious companies (a.o. Heineken, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, ABN Amro en Renewi). Together they worked on a challenge from the company in the field of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Tilburg University and JADS were chosen as a winner by the jury.
The fifteen student teams were linked to an organization in recent months, after which a concrete problem had to be defined in one day in a high pressure environment. The various student teams then elaborated these in a proposed solution that they had to present in 5 minutes to a jury of heavyweights from government, industry and the VSNU.
Smart comparison of waste flows
The Tilburg student team looked into the question from the municipality of Den Bosch. They wanted to have an insight into the percentage of goods that retailers initially purchase and that are being recycled in the end. The answer was found in a smart comparison of the known waste flows from supermarkets and drugstores, with the actual measured waste flows by the processors. This was incorporated into a clear dashboard with which the municipality has insight into product and waste flows at a glance.
Student team
The winning team consists of six students from Tilburg University and JADS, with different study backgrounds. From JADS Levi Portier, Dayana Chong Denegri and Yorick van Zweeden participated. Jeroen van Westen (MSc Finance): “We received feedback from the jury that our solution is very concrete and realistic and, above all, easily scalable to other issues and other municipalities.” The municipality of Den Bosch has now indicated that they will start using the solution of the winning team.
More information can be found on the website of the Challenge.