Start Date 1 October 2023
End Date 30 September 2025
Consortium partners 9
Field Crime & Safety

Multi AI Realtime Intelligence Tool (MARIT-D)

The MARIT-D project is a collaborative effort aimed at enhancing the fight against maritime trafficking across the European Union. By leveraging an intelligence-led, data-driven tool, MARIT-D monitors real-time deviant shipping movements, helping law enforcement agencies (LEAs) pinpoint suspicious activities. This project brings together authorities from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Portugal, and Spain to strengthen cross-border cooperation and share critical intelligence. The MARIT-D tool will be refined and tested through joint use cases and field pilots, with the goal of making it accessible to all EU member states via EUROPOL’s Innovation Lab. This initiative aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of LEAs, disrupt illegal shipping activities, and foster a dedicated EU network to combat maritime trafficking

JADS’ role in MARIT-D

Within the MARIT-D project, JADS is responsible for leading two critical work packages. The first  focuses on the technical aspects of the project. This involves tackling challenges such as integrating various data sources, applying advanced techniques like Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automatically detect known Modes of Operation (MOs), and ensuring that data and results can be securely and reliably shared among different Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).

The second work package addresses the legal and ethical dimensions of the project. This includes examining how data sharing aligns with fundamental rights like privacy and exploring the ethical implications of using ML and AI in law enforcement. Given the potential impact of these technologies on individuals and groups, it is important to identify and mitigate any adverse consequences.

MARIT-D website (external)


Willem Jan van den Heuvel

Unit lead and full professor

Group 5
Group 6
Group 7